Kyle Moir


Bits of hardware aquired over time through ebay, skips or whatever.

Of course I could run most of these things virtually or in the ever advancing cloud, but I find working on real hardware far more exciting.

arch hostname ram os description
aarch64 scrat 4GB Debian 11 (bullseye) Webserver, pastebin, DVR
armv6 quark 256MB FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE 2011 Pi mounted to the pinboard, running a webserver
amd64 earthsea 20GB Devuan 5 (daedalus) 10TB storage, VM host
amd64 mercury 12GB FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE Storage, package builder
x86_64 stark 24GB Archlinux Dev environment, AUR builder, game servers (minecraft, factorio, tf2, css)
i386 ceres 4GB NetBSD 9.3 Might move my storage to here, since the power usage is a lot less than the hungry fx8350 (earthsea).